General Move-in Information
Residents are advised to visit the front desk of their assigned building. Apartment keys and move-in packets can be obtained at your front desk. Please bring a Photo ID with you upon move-in. All incoming students will receive a confirmation email prior to their move in date. Please read this email as it includes important move-in information.
New residents of Barringer Hall who are moving in on a non-scheduled move in day, may be required to visit Orlowitz Hall to retrieve their key(s). The Barringer Front Desk Clerk is available to advise each resident as to whether this is required.
New residents of Orlowitz and Martin Halls who are moving in on a non-scheduled move in day, may visit their assigned building to retrieve their key(s).
*New residents moving onto campus on a scheduled move in day can follow the instructions listed on the confirmation email. You will have two hours to unload your belongings as per your Move-in timeslot.