Current Residents
1000 Walnut Street
Suite 103
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-955-8913
- 215-923-1981 (fax)
Submit a Work Order
Routine maintenance is provided to the residence halls. Residents who wish to request repairs in their room or apartment unit should place a work order online. In the event of an emergency maintenance request, please call your Front Desk.
While there is no charge for routine maintenance, repairs made for damages that go beyond normal wear and tear may be assessed a fee. Maintenance or custodial issues that require additional follow-up can be reported via email to University.Housing@jefferson.edu which will be forwarded to the appropriate housing operations contact person.
For Emergencies for All Residence Halls
In the event of an emergency, contact your front desk immediately. Emergency maintenance is on-call to respond 24-hours each day.
Martin Residence Hall Residents
Students living in Martin cannot submit work orders online. All work orders have to be submitted with the front desk.
Barringer & Orlowitz Residence Hall Residents
Students living in the Barringer or Orlowitz apartments can submit work orders two different ways.
- Rent Cafe: You may log into your rentcafe account and submit a maintenance request.
- Front Desk: We request that all maintenance requests are submitted through rentcafe. However, in the event of an emergency please contact the Front Desk for maintenance issues. When submitting a work order request, it is important to leave your name, building name, room/apartment number, cell phone number and a detailed description of the problem which includes the problem location.
Maintenance personnel are on site to manage routine maintenance issues M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
- Barringer Front Service Desk 215-955-8967
- Orlowitz Front Service Desk 215-955-6726
If a work order is not completed in a timely manner or if the problem continues after being addressed, make sure to contact the Property Manager or the Office of Residential Life.
Jim Leinenbach
PMC Property Manager (Barringer/Orlowitz Residences)
Suite 103, Orlowitz Residence