Diagnostic Radiology Residency
- Center City Campus
- Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Degree Earned
- Residency
Program Length
4 years
Program Type
- On Campus
- Associate Program Director
- Director of Residency Selection
- Chair, Residency Selection Committee
- Education Coordinator, Diagnostic Radiology Program
132 South Tenth Street
Suite 780-A, Main Building
Philadelphia, PA 19107
In the first two months of the academic year, an introductory course is given in general diagnosis. This program includes formal lectures in normal radiographic anatomy, basic diagnostic principles, and radiographic technique. Additionally, an intensive course in radiologic physics is given during the summer of each year to first- and second-year residents.
For the remainder of the year, a noon hour teaching conference in diagnostic interpretation is given daily, Monday through Friday, by the attending and fellow staff. These conferences are in each of the major radiology subspecialties, and include a mixture of didactic lectures and case presentations. During case presentation, the residents have the opportunity to discuss the radiographic findings and differential diagnoses. Many of our didactic lectures employ RSNA Diagnosis Live technology, with which residents can utilize a live audience response system. Specialty specific multidisciplinary conferences are attended in the mornings by residents rotating through that specialty (i.e. Neuroradiology Interesting Case Conference, Metastatic Uveal Melanoma IR/MR Conference, Hepatocellular Carcinoma Body Imaging Conference, etc). Additional multidisciplinary conference series, such as the Emergency Department-Radiology joint conference, are also held in the mornings.
Our Departmental Radiology Conferences are held at noon on every Wednesday of the month. These consist of:
- Grand Rounds covering topics of interest in all radiology subspecialties, presented either by the departmental faculty or by invited outside speakers.
- Radiology research conferences presented in a unique Journal Club format.
- Chairman series, including a Business in Radiology lecture set.
- Quality Assessment and Quality Improvement Conference.