Diagnostic Radiology Residency
- Center City Campus
- Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Degree Earned
- Residency
Program Length
4 years
Program Type
- On Campus
- Associate Program Director
- Director of Residency Selection
- Chair, Residency Selection Committee
- Education Coordinator, Diagnostic Radiology Program
132 South Tenth Street
Suite 780-A, Main Building
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Curriculum Overview
The core curriculum consists of 12 weeks each in musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, pediatric and interventional radiology, ultrasound, body CT and MRI, and breast imaging; eight weeks each in genitourinary radiology and emergency radiology; and 16 weeks in Neuroradiology and Nuclear Medicine.
During the third year, residents spend four weeks at the Radiologic Pathology course given by the American Institute for Radiologic Pathology. In addition, there are 6-8 months of elective time in the senior year.
Sample Diagnostic Radiology Schedule
- 4 weeks of Ultrasound
- 8 weeks of Neuro
- 8 weeks of Chest
- 6 weeks of Body CT
- 6 weeks of Fluoro
- 4 weeks of Bone
- 4 weeks of Breast
- 4 weeks of IR
- 4 weeks of Nuc Med
- 4 weeks Body MR
- 4 weeks of Breast
- 4 weeks of Fluoro
- 5 weeks Night Float/5 weeks Day Float
- 4 weeks of IR
- 4 weeks of Peds
- 4 weeks of Body CT
- 4 weeks of Bone
- 2 weeks of Body MR
- 2 weeks of MSK MR
- 2 weeks of Ultrasound
- 4 weeks of Neuro
- 6 weeks of Chest
- 2 weeks of Nuc Med
- 3 weeks Night Float/3 weeks Day Float
- 4 weeks of Neuro
- 4 weeks of IR
- 4 weeks of Ultrasound
- 4 weeks of Peds
- 4 weeks of Chest
- 2 weeks of Bone
- 2 weeks of Body CT
- 5 weeks of MSK MR
- 4 weeks of Breast
- 4 weeks of AIRP
- 4 weeks of Body MR
- 5 weeks of Nuc Med
- 4 weeks of ER
- 4-6 weeks of Nuc Med
- 2 weeks Night Float/2 weeks Day Float
- 4 weeks of MSK MR
- 6-8 months of electives
- 4 weeks Peds
Clinical Rotations
During each workday, all studies are reviewed first by the resident, then by the staff and resident together prior to final dictation. Thus, each case becomes a teaching exercise. This type of review demands extra effort from the radiology staff, but is worthwhile in its end result of training and patient care.
Night call responsibilities begin in the second year. Two residents (1 Junior and 1 Senior) will be on call every evening using a night float system from 8 PM to 7:30 AM on Weekdays, and 8PM to 8AM on Weekends and Holidays. A separate ER Resident (4th year resident) provides additional coverage from 7 PM to 12 AM on weekdays. These residents will be working with a staff ER radiology attending, who is present in the hospital from 7 PM to 4 AM daily.
A 2nd year resident covers from 12 PM to 8 PM on the weekends and holidays. Subspecialty attending radiology staff members work with residents on weekdays from 5 PM to 7 PM, and on weekends and holidays from 8 AM to 5 PM.
On-call residents are responsible for all general radiology, neuroradiology, body CT and US, except for CVIR and neuroradiologic procedures. Back-up is available by both fellows and attending staff.