Residential Life-East Falls Campus
Conflict Resolution
Residential Life strives to respond to every conflict in a compassionate, empathetic way and to help students understand root causes as well as harm caused. Our staff is trained in creating spaces that allow residents in conflict to talk things out, repair the harm, heal, and move on. If you're experiencing a conflict, a great place to start is your Resident Assistant, who will listen and offer to help! Our professional staff team can also assist with conflict coaching, mediation, shuttle diplomacy, and circle processes. Our team can also provide conflict coaching for students who are not experiencing a conflict but want to develop better communication skills and strategies to manage future conflicts.
We support roommate and suitemate relationships through Roommate/Suitemate Agreements. These agreements encourage discussions about guests, noise, cleanliness, and shared items. They serve as a starting point for addressing concerns throughout the year. Students are encouraged to update their agreements as needed.
We also support our communities through Community Agreements. Resident Assistants facilitate a Community Agreement with their residents at the beginning of each year. During this process, residents discuss shared expectations. Residents often work together to update their floor’s Community Agreement throughout the year as needs and expectations change.