Non-Matriculated Student Options
Program Information
Application Requirements
Students are invited to take courses without committing to a specific certificate or MS program as a non-matriculated student. We can accommodate individuals with at least a bachelor’s degree in any area of study. If a non-matriculated student eventually applies to and is accepted into a specific IEHP program, credits for any courses in which they earned a B- or above can be transferred.
Non-Matriculated Courses
Students can only take two courses per certificate as a non-matriculated student option. If you want to take the third course, you must enroll in the certificate program.
CBU 501: Emerging Issues in the Cannabis Industry (Fall)
Students will learn about and engage in course activities related to the history of cannabis and the rapidly developing trends in cannabis business, laws, regulations and ethics. In particular, students will examine emerging practices, concepts and issues in the cannabis industry relating to regulatory framework, illicit cannabis market, operating in cash, taxation, quality of human resources, and social justice and equity.
CBU 506: Essentials of Cannabis Financial and Operations Analysis (Spring)
This course introduces the use of accounting information as a basis for planning, control, and managerial decisions. In particular, students will gain an understanding of core accounting concepts, financial statements, and how to make financing, investing, and operating decisions that will create value for organizations. The course also discusses the role of inventory management in supply chain and logistics
CBU 509: Industrial Hemp, Process, and Products (Fall)
In this course, we will explore the industrial hemp agricultural and manufacturing industry by focusing on the materials, processes, products, and economics in the industrial hemp supply chain. Specifically, we will examine the: Agricultural processes used in growing industrial hemp plants; Material science of the hemp plant as an industrial raw material; Engineering processes needed to transform hemp biomass into new material forms; Products and markets that utilize hemp-derived materials; Business models and supply chains used by industrial hemp businesses; Sustainability in the hemp industry at a holistic, systems level (technically, environmentally, economically, and socially;) Supporting infrastructure necessary to sustain a growing industrial hemp industry.
CCT 508 Quality Control and Quality Assurance in Medical Cannabis Analysis and Dispensing (Summer)
The main focus of this course will be on quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) in the cannabis testing laboratory. The course will explain the different tests performed on cannabis (e.g. potency/cannabinoid concentration, terpenes, etc.), best practices, method development and validation, laboratory accreditation, and how to build and implement a good quality management program.
Who Should Apply?
- Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree and wish to enroll in a course within the graduate cannabis business certificate program.
- To ensure credits are transferable, students are responsible for checking with their intended program or at their home institution.
CMD 503: Pathology Potentially Responsive to Cannabis (Fall)
This course will review the current knowledge base of pathology and pathophysiology for disease states and symptoms for which the endocannabinoid system and its components may have a biologically plausible role. The discussion will include primarily neurologic, psychiatric and behavioral, gastrointestinal and hepatic, gynecologic, musculoskeletal, hematologic, and oncologic conditions, as well as overlapping and blended diagnoses.
CMD 504: Conventional & Cannabinoid Therapy of Disease (Spring)
This course will review the current knowledge base of conventional treatment for disease states and symptoms for which cannabinoids may have a biologically plausible role. The course will also cover the use of cannabinoids in the stated conditions. The discussion will include neurologic, psychiatric and behavioral, gastrointestinal and hepatic, gynecologic, musculoskeletal, hematologic, and oncologic conditions, as well as overlapping and blended diagnoses.
CMD 505: Health Implications of Medicinal Cannabis (Summer)
The purpose of this course is to review potential adverse effects of cannabinoids that may be related to route of exposure/administration, drug-drug interactions, individual physiology, and other factors that require full exploration if students are eventually to advise patients on how best to use available cannabinoid therapy safely. The course will take a systems-based approach, characterizing effects on function in the areas of sensorimotor, cognition and affect, hepatic and cardiovascular, to name a few.
Who Should Apply?
- Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree or a clinical terminal degree and wish to enroll in a course within the graduate cannabis medicine certificate program.
- To ensure credits are transferable, students are responsible for checking with their intended program or at their home institution.
CSC 511: Botany and Chemistry of Cannabis (Fall)
The Botany and Chemistry of Cannabis course covers the history of cannabis as a medicinal plant from ancient times until today, taxonomy, macro and microscopic characterization, cultivation, storage, tissue culture and cryopreservation of genetic material. The different chemical classes in cannabis, including the cannabinoids and terpenes and their biosynthesis, and the chemovars of cannabis and the trends in potency changes in the illicit market over time in the USA, are described. Students will learn the morphological and histological characteristics of the different organs of cannabis such as flowers, leaves, roots, stems, isolated elements and powders, and the microscopic examination of the cannabis plant and chemical tests to identify the plant are described. The course will require students to critically review and present publications in small groups and complete assignments.
CSC 512: Forensic Analysis of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products (Spring)
This course will review and apply practical concepts important to successful chemical analysis of cannabis plant materials, products, and other samples relevant and pertaining to cannabis. The course will open with a focus on the importance of sample preparation and the various strategies employed for samples, which range from plant materials to oils, edibles, drinks, etc. This topic will be followed by the concepts of chromatography, including capillary gas chromatography (GC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with various detectors. Importantly, mass spectrometer (MS) detectors will be discussed in considerable detail for a full understanding and appreciation for the merits of GC/MS and LC/MS, including tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS). Student will gain an understanding and appreciation of the analytical techniques associated with modern chemical analysis of cannabis and cannabis-related samples.
CSC 513: Cannabinoid Pharmacology (Summer)
This course will review the endogenous cannabinoid system consisting of the endocannabinoid neurotransmitters, the cannabinoid receptors, synthetic pathways for the endogenous neurotransmitters, and enzymes that degrade the neurotransmitters stopping signal propagation. The endogenous cannabinoid system modulates multiple other neurotransmitter system functions placing this system into an important regulatory role. The pharmacology of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabigerol (CBG), three of more than 109 natural cannabinoids in the cannabis plant are explored. The onset, peak, and duration of cannabinoid pharmacokinetics of THC, its active metabolite, 11-hydroxy-THC, and its inactive metabolite, 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC, in blood are investigated following smoked, vaporized, and oral ingestion. Although cannabinoids are primarily inhaled, oral ingestion is common with the introduction of many cannabinoid food and beverages for medicinal and/or recreational intake. Participants in this course will be able to describe how plant cannabinoids function through the endogenous cannabinoid system to produce its well-known effects, including increased heart rate, euphoria, cognitive and motor impairment, and executive function deficits among others. In addition, THC pharmacokinetics in blood and its interpretation will enable the student to understand the complex relationships between cannabinoid pharmacokinetics and blood cannabinoid concentrations.
Who Should Apply?
- Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree or a clinical terminal degree and wish to enroll in a course within the graduate cannabis science certificate program.
- To ensure credits are transferable, students are responsible for checking with their intended program or at their home institution.
EDM 610 : Foundations in Emergency Management Students interested in an introduction and understanding of Emergency Management. This course will provide students with a brief history of emergency management, the legal framework and authorities that enable emergency management and an understanding of the emergency management command structures.
EDM 619: Natural Disasters The natural disasters course is well suite for students with an interest in understanding the various forces of nature that can lead to catastrophic events. This is course is well suited for pursuing studies in earth sciences, or environmental science. Students will receive valuable insights into the causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies associated with natural disasters.
EDM 649: Healthcare Emergency Management The healthcare emergency management course is ideally suited for students pursuing careers in healthcare, public health, emergency management, or related fields. This specialized course is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to and manage emergencies within a healthcare context.
Who Should Apply?
- Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree and have an interest in the Emergency and Disaster Management field.
- For any questions about the program contact the program director, David Nitsch (david.nitsch@jefferson.edu)
EDM 624: Organizational Risk & Crisis Management This course examines key concepts in the understanding and management of risk in an organizational environment. Aspects of risk evolution, tools and techniques, project vulnerabilities, uncertainty, modeling and risk software are included.
EDM 625: Business & Crisis Continuity The course explores the issues in maintaining a business in the midst of crisis and the disruption of resources. It includes planning for, responding to, and recovering from an internal or external crisis in the organization.
EDM 626: Organizational & Recovery Planning These courses are designed for students interested in business operations when impacted by an emergency. It is recommended that students take these course sequentially beginning with EDM 624 as these courses are designed to build off of the previous course and develop a student’s ability to understand and manage the challenges of maintaining business operations during and after an emergency.
Who Should Apply?
- Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree and have an interest in the Emergency and Disaster Management field.
- For any questions about the program contact the program director, David Nitsch (david.nitsch@jefferson.edu)
EDM 612: Foundations in Homeland Security and Defense This is an introductory course for students with an interest in homeland security will broaden their understanding of the fundamental concepts, challenges, and strategies needed for safeguarding national security.
EDM 623: Weapons of Mass Destruction This course provides a foundational understanding of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and provides students interested in security studies, emergency management, or simply an interest in understanding the subject matter. Students will study the various types of WMD threats, response strategies and legal frameworks surrounding the development and use a WMD.
EDM 627: Principles of Terrorism Students in this course will develop a foundational understanding of the historical, political, social, and psychological aspects of terrorism. This course is recommended for students with an interest in learning and understanding the complex nature of terrorism and terrorist events.Students should approach the course with an open mind, a willingness to engage critically with the material, and a commitment to fostering informed and respectful discussions about terrorism and its implication
Who Should Apply?
- Individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree and have an interest in the Emergency and Disaster Management field.
- For any questions about the program contact the program director, David Nitsch (david.nitsch@jefferson.edu)
HPE 510: Adult Learning in Heath Professions (Fall)
Lifelong learning for adults is an increasingly important educational topics in health professions education. Rapid changes are transforming society and healthcare, making it critical to support clinicians and practitioners to continue to learn across the educational continuum. While formal learning often takes place in the classroom, much of the learning that takes place in the health professions occurs informally through interactions with patients and peers, engagement with the healthcare system, participation in social networks, and participation in workplace-based learning in the clinical environment. This course will prepare students to understand adult learning and development in the context of healthcare, as well as consider important factors when designing and deploying educational interventions.
HPE 520: Simulation for Health Professions Education (Spring)
Simulation based learning has become a major component of health professions education. This course enables the learner to utilize simulation as a tool in their educational repertoire through theory and practical knowledge of the elements of simulation. The learners will apply the fundamentals and theory of simulation into their educational practice with a focus on selecting the appropriate simulation modality to fulfill objectives including task trainers, high fidelity simulation and standardized patients; effectively using debriefing to provide formative and summative feedback; and designing (and garnering administrative support for) a simulation activity.
Who Should Apply?
- Health professions clinicians, clinical educators, medical residents, junior faculty, and staff in educational roles such as residency director, clerkship director, program coordinator, curriculum director, or assessment coordinator are welcome to apply.
IN 500: Foundations in Integrative Nutrition (Spring)
This course provides the necessary framework for developing a patient-centric approach for personalizing nutritional recommendations that are based on latest data. This course will explore the current evidence for topics in nutrition, including the role of various nutrients for proper biological function and regulation, common health consequences resulting from imbalances in macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) and micronutrients (fat versus water soluble vitamins), the effects that different dietary and environmental exposures can have on altering the gut microbiome, and the implications of these factors on overall health. This course will also introduce the concept of interconnectedness of different body systems and the role of assessing symptomatic and functional markers of nutrient/nutritional imbalance. Competency with this foundational material will be demonstrated by, in part, analyzing realistic case study examples that formulate nutritional care plans and/or nutritional recommendations that are designed to optimize health.
Who Should Apply?
- All applicants must meet the minimum requirement of a bachelor's degree.
MBM 500: Foundations in Mind-Body Medicine (Fall)
This first course in this certificate will introduce the necessary framework for developing a patient-centered approach for integrating mind-body therapies and recommendations based on the latest data. This course will include a review of current evidence for topics in mind-body medicine such as roles of various modalities in the treatment of mental health issues, pain management, and stress-related problems. Practical integration of these practices into the office visit will also be covered in this course.
MBM 510: Advanced Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Spring)
*Course includes 1-2 day(s) in-person or optional online intensives.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is one of the seminal interventions driving the growth of applications of mindfulness and other contemplative disciplines for the promotion of physical and psychological wellness within the context of the emergent field of mind/body medicine. This course provides a didactic overview of stress physiology, the influence of stress on disease processes, and the substantial evidence-based research that has documented the numerous health benefits of MBSR and other mindfulness-based interventions. The course includes the practice of formal mindfulness techniques in weekly sessions as well as a day-long mindfulness retreat. The total experience is intended to promote personal and professional wellness and to create a foundation for further exploration of mindfulness-based interventions for those interested in integrating mindfulness into their professional practice.
Who Should Apply?
- Anyone with a bachelor's degree and is a licensed healthcare professional (or student in a healthcare field – assessed on a case-by-case basis).