As a physician or future physician, I recognize the implicit trust placed in me by patients and society. Therefore, I commit to embodying the highest standards of civility, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of my personal and professional life. These standards include my interpersonal relationships, my academic pursuits, and my medical practice. I will strive to communicate sincerely and effectively with my patients and their families. I will treat everyone compassionately, providing respect and protection of privacy, dignity, and individuality. As part of the trust that society has placed in me, I will advocate for outstanding patient care. I will endeavor to work effectively with other members of the health care team to provide the safest and highest quality patient care. Because I recognize limitations in my knowledge and skills, I will commit to lifelong learning to improve my ability to care for my patients.

SKMC Values & Honor Code
For concerns or questions, contact
Sidney Kimmel Medical College physicians and students are committed to the highest principles of professionalism and to embody the highest standards of civility, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of their personal and professional life. This commitment is articulated in the Honor Code, the Shared Code of Professional Values and the Jefferson Code of Conduct.
Find below these Codes as well as resources to report concerns of unprofessional behavior.
As Jefferson students and faculty we seek to establish a community based on honor, integrity and awareness of others. Our commitment to this community begins with our first day of professional or educational association with Sidney Kimmel Medical College when we sign a pledge to uphold the values and rules of the Honor Code that follows:
As faculty, residents, fellows, and medical students, we pledge to embrace the academic and social integrity on which Jefferson was founded, pursuing honesty, equality and fairness in all aspects of our lives. This includes not seeking an unfair advantage over our peers, teachers, students, residents, fellows or any other member of the Thomas Jefferson University community. These goals are dependent on our personal concern for ourselves and one another, as well as our collective concern for the maintenance of the community standards that are reflected in the Code.
The Honor Code assumes that all faculty, residents, fellows, and students conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner. Altruism, accountability, commitment to excellence, duty to serve, honor, integrity and respect for others are essential characteristics of a physician. In addition, the code is dependent on the collective desire of all members of the academic community to prevent and deter violations, rather than on proceedings to impose penalties after violations have occurred. If violations do occur within this system, each member of the community is expected to support and uphold all aspects of the code.
Community — A goal of each member of the college is to foster an environment of trust and cooperation with respect for the work and efforts of others. When we speak of community we imply the student body, the faculty, the staff, and the administration, each of which contributes to the combined concept of community.
Academic Integrity — We seek to enhance our knowledge of medicine and achieve excellence in our time spent at Jefferson but not at the cost of honesty, integrity and trust, all integral aspects to the development of a physician.
Social Integrity — Jefferson is dependent on equality among all its members, regardless of race, culture, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Each individual should be treated with equal respect by his or her peers, faculty and staff.
Responsibility — All members of the college must be willing and encouraged to discuss with their peers and all members of the community any action or issue that appears to be unacceptable and take the necessary actions in a timely manner to address the situation. The failure to deal with the breach in professional conduct not only jeopardizes the strength of the code but also puts the observer in direct violation of the code.
Mediation — Resources exist for students, faculty and staff to meet with other people within the Jefferson community to work out any differences and disagreements with the help of a third party. If these efforts fail to reach a resolution, further resources through official college channels can be used to review any disagreement and determine the appropriate course of action.
Reporting concerns of unprofessional behavior – safely report any violations or get more information by contacting:
- Jefferson’s Alert Line – call 833-ONE-CODE (833-663-2633) or report online at
- Sidney Kimmely Medical College’s Reporting Unprofessional Behavior Site - reports go directly to Dr. John Spandorfer and Dr. Karen Noviell.
- For information on SKMC’s commitment to a positive learning environment, please refer to the Learning Environment Resource Page.