SKMC Department Faculty & Staff
Our faculty of doctors, researchers and educators bring their expertise to the next wave of health professionals. Click below to view SKMC’s departments and their respective faculty.
SKMC Faculty Affairs
The SKMC Office of Faculty Affairs values the role its faculty play in upholding the mission of SKMC.
SKMC Faculty Development
Thomas Jefferson University offers its faculty many programs geared towards professional advancement and skills development. We offer an array of formats for faculty to choose from, including live workshops and asynchronous resources.
SKMC Governance
SKMC faculty are governed by the three documents listed below. A robust committee structure at the College and University levels, which includes the SKMC Standing Committees, supports faculty participation in shared governance across SKMC and the University.
SKMC New Faculty Orientation
A formal orientation is required of new faculty, which provides them with information on the institution, its policies and procedures, available resources, and familiarizes them with the goals of the medical education program and expectations of their faculty position.
University Office of Faculty Affairs
The Office of Faculty Affairs at Thomas Jefferson University supports all faculty, including SKMC faculty. Learn more about governance, professional development, and faculty engagement at Thomas Jefferson University.