Educational Programs

Sidney Kimmel Medical College (SKMC) offers many program options for entering our community and obtaining your degree. The programs listed here are only some of the pathways to enrollment. The majority of our programs can be found within our Departments.

MD/PHD Program

Our students provide patient care, lead research discovery, advocate for basic and translational research and assume leadership roles in biomedical research and the delivery of health care.

Physician Shortage Area Program

An admissions and educational program designed to increase the supply and retention of physicians in rural areas and small towns, especially in Pennsylvania and Delaware.


Delaware Institute of Medical Education & Research Program

This program, known as DIMER, provides an opportunity for Delaware residents to obtain a high-quality medical education, rather than attending a state-supported medical school.

University of Delaware Medical Scholars Program

University of Delaware Medical Scholars Program

An educational collaboration between the University of Delaware and Sidney Kimmel Medical College, which links college to medical school with an early admission process for qualified students. 

Penn State Accelerated BS/MD Program

Penn State Accelerated BS/MD Program

A seven-year, cooperative BS/MD program, run by Sidney Kimmel Medical College and Pennsylvania State University.

Post-Baccalaureate/Pre-Health Program

Post-Baccalaureate/Pre-Health Program

Programs for students who have a Baccalaureate degree, but need to complete additional course work to meet the prerequisites for entry into medical school.

Joint MD/MBA-MHA Program

Joint MD/MBA-MHA Program

A joint five-year MD/MBA (and MHA) program is  offered in collaboration with Widener. This joint MD/MBA-MHA program is under the direction of the Jefferson College of Population Health.

Dual MD/MPH Program

Dual MD/MPH Program

In conjunction with the Jefferson College of Population Health, medical students have the opportunity to earn the master of public health (MPH) degree as part of their SKMC education.

Telehealth Leadership Fellowship

As healthcare strives to connect an expanding pool of patients to their health care providers, Telehealth is poised for massive growth. Fellows will become leaders in telehealth practice, education and research.