Graduate Policies
Chosen Name
I. Policy Statement
Thomas Jefferson University recognizes that some members of our community use a name, gender, and pronoun other than their legal identifiers. Students are free to elect to have their chosen first name, gender identity and chosen pronoun appear in Thomas Jefferson University’s system (subject to technical capacity) where the legal identifiers are not required. The University reserves the right to deny a requested selection if the request is inappropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, names using foul, inappropriate, offensive, or derogatory language, or names submitted to avoid a legal obligation or to create misrepresentation.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all full-time, part-time, matriculated and non-matriculated students at Thomas Jefferson University Center City, East Falls, Abington, Aria and all other locations.
III. Components
Chosen Name does appear:
Student IDs
Class roster
Diploma* (By Request)
Displayed name for University email
Profile on self service
Reports/lists generated for faculty and advisors
* Students should be advised that if a prospective employer, or regulatory entity, requests a copy of the diploma as proof of graduation, they may not accept a diploma with their chosen name as an official document.
Chosen Name does not appear:
Academic transcript
Enrollment or degree verifications
Financial Aid documents
Immigration documents
To indicate a preference for a chosen first name, gender identity, or chosen pronoun students should:
- Login to BannerWeb and select the Personal Information tab.
- Click the link for SSB9 General Person Information
- Click on and fill out the link for Gender and Preferred Name Selection.
- Submit a ticket to the IS&T solution center to change your email alias
To submit the ticket, follow the following steps:
- Click Report an Issue and select IT
- Choose Account as the requested Category.
- In the description you can write, “I need to update my email alias and display name to my chosen name.”
If you have questions or need assistance please contact the Dean of Students Office for East Falls and Bucks County campuses and the Office of Student Affairs for Center City, Dixon, and New Jersey campuses.
Revised: 2024