Graduate Policies
The University uses a plus/minus grading system. At the close of an academic term, each instructor assigns a letter grade indicating the quality of a student’s work in the course. The following represents the approved grades for use at the University including the quality points assigned for use in the calculation of the grade point average (GPA); however, not all grade options are utilized by each college. Each college or program within the university publishes the specific grading scale utilized for their respective programs. Additionally, minimal grades required for satisfactory performance in a given course and for progression in a specific program are determined by the academic policies governing the particular program (undergraduate vs. graduate) and academic department.
Students should consult the Academic Standing policy for criteria regarding academic status in the University. Students should also consult the appropriate section in their college/departmental/program student handbook for specific criteria and policies governing progression in and special program requirements for the programs in which they are enrolled. A copy of the departmental / program handbook is available from the student’s faculty advisor.
GRADE | Quality Points |
A+ | 4.0 |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 |
F | 0.0 |
WF | 0.0 |
Grades Not Calculated in the Grade Point Average (GPA)
AU |
Audit |
Instructor permission required; no credit awarded. Please refer to “Auditing a Course” policy. |
CR |
Credit |
Awarded for successful completion of a course labeled credit/no credit, or challenge examination. Minimum threshold numerical/letter grades to achieve a “CR” grade are determined at a program level. |
I |
Incomplete |
Awarded only when the student has done course work at a satisfactory level, but has missed work because of illness or other emergencies beyond the student’s control. It indicates that the student is likely to successfully complete the missing requirements within the prescribed time limit and receive a passing grade for the course. If a student has not demonstrated satisfactory work and there is no possibility of passing the course, it is inappropriate for a grade of “I” to be assigned. The faculty member and the student will document requirements for completion of work. Additionally, the faculty member will set appropriate deadline dates for student completion of work, not to exceed 6 weeks from the last day of the semester in which the course is taken. An “I” grade will automatically become an “F” grade if a new grade is not entered by the 6 week deadline. |
IP |
In Progress |
See college handbooks for applicability. Assigned when course work is scheduled on a continuous basis over more than academic term (e.g., thesis/dissertation). The final course grade and credit are awarded in the term of completion. |
NC |
No Credit |
Assigned when a student has not successfully achieved a passing score on a challenge examination, or passed a course labeled CR/NC. Minimum threshold numerical/letter grades to achieve a CR grade are determined at a program level. |
P |
Pass |
Awarded when a student successfully passes a course labeled Pass/Fail. Minimum threshold numerical/letter grades to achieve a “P” grade are determined at a program level. |
T/TR |
Transfer Credit |
Transfer credit awarded. |
TH* |
Thesis |
Awarded when a student is judged by the faculty, dissertation or thesis chair, or advisor to be incapable of completing the requirements during the incomplete time period. This grade indicates that course requirements have not been satisfactorily completed, but work is progressing.* |
W |
Withdrawal |
Students who complete an authorized withdrawal by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar receive a grade of W. After the deadline, a student who withdraws will receive a grade of WF (Withdrew Failing). WF is calculated in the student’s GPA as 0.00 quality points. See “Course Withdrawal Policy” for information on requesting permission for late withdrawal and receiving a W grade. |
WP |
Withdrawal Passing |
Used in extraordinary cases determined at the college level. Please refer to your college/program handbook. |
*Students must re-register in the original course for dissertation, thesis, capstone project or clinical experience coursework in the subsequent fall or spring semester immediately following the semester in which they enrolled to maintain continuous enrollment and to remain in good standing. Tuition equal to one graduate credit will be assessed for subsequent courses in dissertation, thesis, capstone project and clinical experience. These courses will have an identical course number with an “e” indicating a matriculation extension.
Grade Point Average Calculation
The grade point average (GPA) is computed in the following manner:
- Multiply the number of Quality Points for each grade by the Credit Hour value assigned to each course attempted.
- Divide the sum of these products by the total number of credits attempted.
Admission to a Second Program
A graduate of one program of the University who is admitted to a second program has a cumulative GPA for the second program computed only on the grades earned in courses taken after the completion of the first program.