Undergraduate Policies
Re-Entry to Traditional Undergraduate Program
This policy describes the policy and process for applicants who seeks re-entry into an undergraduate academic program.
Academic Standing - refer to Academic Standing policy within undergraduate policies.
Undergraduate students who seek to return to their undergraduate studies, in the same or different academic program, must be approved for re-entry.
This policy is applicable to a student who has been inactive from classes for a period of 12 consecutive months or who had been academically dismissed from the University and seek reentry to the same or different academic program at the university. Students on an approved Leave of Absence are not subject to this policy if they re-enter at the prescribed date.
All Applicants for Re-Entry Process
Applicants for re-entry to an undergraduate program must submit a Re-Entry Application; which is available from University Admissions.
If the applicant was enrolled at another college or university since their departure from Thomas Jefferson University they must submit official transcripts from those schools to the Admissions Office as a part of the re-entry application process
Tuition balances must be paid prior to consideration for re-entry. Applicants should contact the Office of Student Accounts to satisfy this obligation.
Applicants seeking re-entry to the same or different academic major
Students must meet the minimum entry requirement and academic standards for any academic program they seek to enroll.
Students re-entry beyond 12 consecutive months are subject to the degree requirements in effect at time of re-entry; see Time Limit to Degree policy.
Applicants with Adverse Conditions
Students who met any of the following conditions in their last semester at Thomas Jefferson University must be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee and receive permission to Re-Enter the University.
a) on academic probation at the University
b) academically dismissed from the University
The Academic Standing Committee, which meets once per month, will be forwarded the application for -entry from Admissions and review the applicant’s request. Written approval must be granted by the Committee to return to their current or any other academic program at the University.
Approved for Re-Entry
Upon approval for re-entry, the student must meet with an Advisor from the Academic Success Center to be granted permission to register for classes.
Re-entering students are required to follow the curriculum that is effective the year they re-enter the program, not their original start year. Students should consult their Academic Advisor to understand the requirements of the curriculum they are entering.
Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid to discuss eligibility for aid.
Revised: 2022