Undergraduate Policies
Withdraw from University
It is absolutely essential that students follow the proper withdrawal procedure in order to be assured of an honorable dismissal from the University. Students are considered in attendance until this formal notification is completed and returned to the University Registrar.
The deadline to withdraw from the University without any record of courses or grades of the current semester is the same as the “last day to drop without a W grade.” – See Academic Calendar.
If a student withdraws from the University before the “last day to withdraw from a course,” all withdrawal grades will be a “W” and will affect Academic Standing upon return to the University. If a student withdraws after the “last day to withdraw from a course” all withdrawal grades will be a “WF” and will affect the GPA calculations and Academic Standing upon return to the University.
If students withdraw during the exam period, they will receive “WF” grades for all their courses. If an instructor has entered a grade, the grade entered by the instructor will not be changed. Please note that an “F” and “WF” grade have the same effect on the GPA and Academic Standing. The “WF” grade identifies a late withdrawal.
Students who need to leave the University after the “last day to withdraw from a course” due to serious circumstances must seek permission from the Dean of Students for late withdrawal. Students who receive permission will receive “W” grades.
Withdrawal forms are available online on the University Registrar’s website. To return to the University after withdrawal, see the section on “Re-entry to the University.”
See “Leave of Absence”