Undergraduate Policies
Inactivation of Student Records
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline the official processes and timeframes by which the Banner Student Information System and other related database systems (e.g., Canvas) in which students’ official online records are maintained, will update to recognize only those students who are: currently registered for course/s; accepted for an upcoming term; have been registered for a course/s over the past 12 months; and/or have been approved to temporarily disengage from the University (e.g., Leave of Absence).
This policy addresses cyber security issues, as well as legal, security and safety issues.
II. Definitions
- Active Student Record: A student record is coded as active in Banner and, as applicable, other educational databases, thereby allowing access to Jefferson email and other specified University services.
- Applicants: Individuals who have submitted an admissions application but have not received an offer of admission.
- Admitted/Accepted Students: Applicants who have received an offer of admission to the University.
- Banner: Official Student Information System used by the University.
- Canvas: Official Student Learning Management System at the University.
- Confirmed Students: Accepted students who have confirmed their intention to enroll by submitting a deposit and/or fulfilled other administrative requirements.
It should be noted that this category may also be referenced as “Deposited” in other policies, procedures or websites. - Dismissed/Dismissal: Student is no longer enrolled based on the University’s assessment that:
- The student is not maintaining satisfactory academic progress;
- Student is in violation of University policy authorizing dismissal, such as, but not limited to, the Community Standards Policy; and/or
- Student is in violation of program policies and/or clinical, clerkship or other experiential learning placement policies.
- Enrolled Students: Student has active coursework for a specified term(s) (Registered) and the official class sessions have started and are in progress.
- Identity Management System: The central account and access provisioning system which generates staff (employee and non-employee) and student campus keys and all associated centrally managed system accounts based on data fed through the respective systems-of-record (Banner for students and PeopleSoft for staff). The IDM or IAM system also controls password synchronization for all accounts tied to a single user’s campus key. Access privileges are granted according to policy, and all individuals and services are properly authenticated, authorized and audited.
- Inactive Student Record: Student record inactivated in the Identity Management System, thereby restricting access to all other systems that require sign-in via the student’s campus key.
- Leave of Absence: A leave of absence is a temporary absence from the University. Students are advised to refer to the appropriate handbook to determine all parameters related to a Leave of Absence.
- Registered: Student has active coursework for a specified term(s).
- Student Record: Official student records include academic, demographic and financial data information pertaining to the student from their application to the University through their entire period of enrollment at the University.
- Suspended/Suspension: Student’s enrollment is temporarily discontinued based on the University’s assessment that:
- Student is in violation of a University policy authorizing suspension, such as, but not limited to, the Community Standards Policy; and/or
- Student is in violation of program policies and/or clinical, clerkship or other experiential learning placement policies.
- Student may return after the suspension period if they have satisfied all stipulations referenced in the suspension decision.
- Withdrawal: A student voluntarily removes themselves from a college, school, or program at the University. Students are advised to refer to the appropriate handbook to determine all parameters related to withdrawing from the University.
- Graduated: Student has completed all program related requirements, and the degree or certificate has been conferred.
III. Policy
Student Records are active when a student is in any of the following statuses:
- Applicant – not to exceed 12 months
- Admitted/Accepted – not to exceed 12 months
- Confirmed – not to exceed 12 months
- Enrolled – within the last 12 months
- Registered – for a course/s within the last 12 months
- Leave of Absence – not to exceed 12 months
Unrealized students (i.e., students who were accepted or confirmed but never enrolled) are not covered under this policy because there are admissions processes in place to inactivate those records or defer their admission to a later term.
Student Records are inactivated and students lose access to any system, within 24 hours, when the student is in any of the following statuses:
- Dismissed
- Suspended
- Withdrawn
Graduated students become inactivated on the first day of the month following 90 days from the official date of graduation.
IV. Scope
This policy applies to all individuals applied, accepted, registered, or enrolled at the University.
V. Components
Student Records will be inactivated according to the processes and schedules outlined below.
- Inquiries (Prospective Students) – If an individual never applied, then a Student Record was not created and no further action is required.
- Applicants (Prospective Students) – Twelve months from the term for which the individual applied if the student was never accepted, and did not register or enroll at the University.
- Registered Students – Records remain active for all academic semesters in which the student is registered at the University.
- Enrolled Students – Records remain active for all academic semesters in which the student is enrolled at the University.
Students who temporarily or permanently disengage from the University
- Leave of Absence – Records will remain active for up to 12 months of non-enrollment
- Unregistered – Records will remain active for up to 12 months of non-enrollment. Students in this category will be identified after the Drop/Add Period following the 12 months. The College Dean or their Designate will access a list of students who will be inactivated.
- Suspended – Records will be inactivated within 24 hours of the imposition of the suspension.
- Interim Suspension – Records will be inactivated within 24 hours of the imposition of the suspension.
- Withdrawn – Records will be inactivated within 24 hours of the date of the withdrawal.
- Dismissed – Records will be inactivated within 24 hours of the final dismissal.
- If a student appeals the dismissal or suspension decision, the following processes will be completed:
- The Registrar Offices will indicate the “appeal” status in Banner. The Student’s Record will not be inactivated pending the resolution of the appeal.
- To ensure compliance with federal guidelines, the Financial Aid Offices will complete the Return of Title IV funding
- If the Appeal is granted:
- The Registrar Offices will edit the student’s status code in Banner to reflect their enrolled status.
- The Financial Aid Offices will revise the Title IV refund to reinstate the student’s funding.
- If the Appeal is denied:
- The Registrar Offices will edit the student’s status code in Banner to reflect their dismissed status. The Student’s Record will be inactivated within 24 hours of the effective date.
- No further action is required from the Financial Aid.
Note that if the dismissal or suspension is based on a serious violation of University policy, records may be inactivated within 24 hours, in the University’s sole discretion, regardless of appeal status to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the University community.
- Graduated students are set to “graduated status” in the feeds to the Identity Management System on the first of the month following 90 days after the date of graduation listed on the General Student (SGASTDN) record in Banner. This in turn triggers the student to be inactivated.
As a note, if a student’s Banner record indicates that they will be enrolling in a new program in a subsequent term at the University (e.g., “Track Up” students), then this rule is bypassed and the student will remain active.
- Students who do not adhere to the enrollment requirements outlined in this policy
- Records will be inactivated if a student has not registered for 12 consecutive months according to the procedure referenced above. Students must register for course work, register as a master’s candidate, capstone or doctoral candidate each semester to ensure their records remain active.
- Summer registration is not required unless it is part of the program’s curriculum. Students who are in summer-only programs are not required to maintain continuous enrollment in fall and spring terms, but they must maintain summer enrollment each term.
Review Date(s): 2024